Sunday, January 23, 2011

How To Make A Magnetic Tape Reader


Ends 0 for 0 awaited match of the stadium by the lake from Como and Alexandria. A result that is close to the blue room, which managed to cause problems on several occasions the Greys. The Mandrogne perhaps have suffered very much a compromise pitch. However, in the latter match the Alexandria seems to have lost the enamel of the first round. So it is less specific than the rest of next Sunday, to recharge the batteries in Bonomi and his companions.
Race starts with Como forward in an attempt to break the deadlock: the first Riva, then Villar (between 15 'and 25') are burning the hands Serve. On the alessandrinho report a bolide Cross by sixteen feet, well saved by Castelli. The half-hour-a better understanding Martini Scappini see it blow up the local port, although defiladed left to the bottom line, but the attempt to call the ball in the middle of the defense fails on Como.
The second half started with a 'personal action of Maah, exceeding servile, but you can see the scalp on the line by a defender replied Mandrogne. They spend a few seconds and try to Martini, but the razor in diagonal is blocked by Castelli. The Como grows and grays are in trouble: On 36 'Riva takes Bardelloni well served by a safe hit, but the ball is a little high. At 41 'the Como goes online, but the linesman signals offside a free-kick from the left, at the far post Maah header, the ball is saved on the line by an extraordinary intervention of servility, but the rebound of the goalie puts the French player network. But, in fact, the employee sees an outside arbitrator.
By this point, the third in the Alexandria engages Spal (who loses in Pavia) but you see approaching the sixth on the list, or Bassano, victorious in Sorrento.

Alexandria-Como 0-0

Alexandria: Serve, Pucino, Bonomi, Romeo, Cammarota, Damonte, Negrini (Cuneaz) Camillucci, Scappini (Arctic), Martini (Bondi), Cross.
Coach: Maurizio Sarri.

Como: Castles, Maggioni, Conti, Magli, Fautario (Da Dalt), Riva, Filipe (Fortunato), Bardelloni, Villar (Scardina), Franco, Maah.
Coach: Carlo Garavaglia.

Referee: Michael Gallo of Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto.

Notes: corners 4 to 2 for Como. Ammon Camillucci, Fautario, Bonomi. Attendance about 1000.


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