Handbook of questions and answers for teenage daughters. Weddings
Year 2024, the dialogue between Porco now close to sixty and teenage daughters.
"Dad you ever smoked? "
" Never taste in the mouth and the smell of smoke on my fingers sucks " (true)" also if I started smoking my sports performance would fall " (true)
" Dad Have you ever taken drugs? "
" Of course not! If you take me? "
" maddà i, not even a cane? "
" You heard what I said before? Canna equal to smoking, the answer is no! "
(vero! Eccheccazzo, now I send to bed without dinner and not come out for a week)
"not even an acid, a tablet, when you went to dance?"
"So I said no! And then I danced and Smooth Unified Caribbean. When you dance you have these things: keep time if not stamped his foot to your lady, lead your lady with me because the dancers do not drive, change shape every 8 bars otherwise it becomes boring and monotonous dancing, listening to music, have the perception of your body, your body along with the lady and the couple in the midst of other couples dancing. Especially fun to do these things. Do you think that one can descend an acid if it is to do these things? "
(vero! Sacrosanct truth, and not go into the technical details not to humiliate your boyfriends)
" seee stuff for years 80 ... but you could not go to dance music a bit 'trendy?
"Eccerto! But I enjoyed the same "
" And Dad would tell me that you never got drunk, I do not. "
" No, in fact, but without ever losing control "
(false, but I always used my legs; and if you pursue us with ...)
"Have not believe it, my uncle told me that James (?!?) filters to the great"
"Uncle James sees too many movies ..."
(the temptation is: " two times I lost control, you and your sister .. ", but it is false and I was perfectly sober).
"but runs rumor that the first meeting with the mother you went to drink "
" is not true we went to the theater "
(false: three negroni head but we stood up to big)
" voice that always runs the other hand have had a few drinks' and you have her home, and were also in motion ... "
" I am not. (false, damn it! Who told you that?) Who is this source? "
" Several confirmation .. Aunt Love, Aunt Sweet ... "
" impossible ... "
" and that after you went to train and smelled of alcohol and Lotzu Master, who was your instructor, told me that he got angry and I has made a heavy workout and you move-I quote-with the speed of a snake and the grace of a butterfly and now brings this example, twenty years later those who are able to perform exceptional performance even under not to shine.
"The Tzu said this to me?"
"Do not mention your name specifically but the teacher talks about his first student," first "with a capital P, his favorite pupil and talks about his temperament, his personality and his particular skill with the short stick and long, his speed and skill that led him to be among the best students of the school. "
" The Really Tzu said so ... "
" Of course! Agata true? it is because you also said the six episode when you wash the beer coaster as an example of focus "
" Well ... yes .... well ... it went something like this, in fact quell'allenamento has passed into history, I remember him always as if it were now ... .. but why are you laughing? "What the hell ... ... .. occazzo .... bluffed that prick !.... you ... "
" Yeah, Dad ... the Chosen One you know he never compliments Lotzu "
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