Tuesday, December 21, 2010

When Traveling On Rural Roadways At Higher

III At Christmas we are all better people

When one sleeps, the other cries.
When one eats, the other is to change.
When a play, the other sucks.
And so on. The 6
actions revolve. The correct combination is: sleep-sleep, eat, eat, etc. etc..

This happens every five days. The combination is most desired sleep-sleep so I can finally Genia and remember that we are a couple. That is, we sleep.

happened Saturday is the combination of the sleeping-sleeping half past two at 4 pm. At 15:14 the Pig after feeding family and tidying the house, was put to bed at 15.30 and the telephone rang: The little man handed Esselunga spending more than an hour in advance.

the evening I cooked liver with fava beans .

The Genia asked me a look that clearly said I would do when the next training session.


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